Delhi Naturopathy Centre | Best Health Spa, Yoga and Therapy
Delhi Naturopathy (Santosh Bio- Dynamic Nature cure & Yog) set up in 1999, propagate and popularize harmless & holistic traditional health care through actual treatment, training, education, publications, camps, seminars, research etc. took up on them to set-up a state-of-art “CENTRE FOR NATUROPATHY & YOG”. Diploma & Certificate Courses in Traditional Medicines like Naturopathy, Yogic Science, Acupressure and related therapies, a specially designed Nature Cure & Yog Resort-cum-Health Spa extending treatments for Naturopathy, Yog and other allied holistic approaches for health wellness addressing to the people coming from Delhi Naturopathy (Santosh Bio – Dynamic Naturecure & Yog) Location by Delhi, with in India and outside India.
The aim of Delhi Naturopathy is to promote health care which rejuvenate & keep up physical, mental & spiritual health of all – beyond National boundaries by promoting the health tourism in India – directly and through joint ventures or tie-ups with various like minded organisations. The health tourism in India has a very wide spectrum and potential as mentioned earlier. Technical Aspects Since it is an extension of the existing centre which is established for the last 11 years in the field of Naturopathy & Yog. Basic equipment’s, instruments, machinery and technical expertise regarding various therapies are already available with us. Hence no problems are expected.
Delhi Naturopathy Centre
Naturopathy is a way of life strictly according to nature. Nature never betrays one who truly loves her. Therefore, what happens in a true Nature Cure & Yog is that the individual is introduced to a Natural System of life style involving all aspects of life. This involves everything viz. food, thinking, exercise, breathing, sleeping, working and so on physical & spiritual activities in a simple Natural way with powerful results without negative reactions.
Delhi Naturopathy Provides Nature Therapies Like as Specialization in treatment of Gangrene, H.B.P, Diabetes, Asthma, Skin Problems, Obesity and Yoga & Meditation, Whirlpool Bath, Sauna Bath, Abdominal Pack, Enema, Chest Pack, Thermolean, Immersion Bath, Foot & Arm Bath, Herbal Oil Therapy, Hip Bath, Mud Bath, Steam Bath, Jacuzzi, Massage etc.
official Website for Delhi Naturopathy (Santosh Bio- Dynamic Nature cure & Yog.
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