Suwa Rakshana Weda Medura
Suwa Rakshana Weda Medura is Established in 1998, as a joint venture .In the year of 2000, the joint venture was released and developed as a single owner establishment , at No .7, Mahamaya Mawatha, kandy.
Services were for foreign travellers as well as for locals. Panchakarma treatments had been started with food and accommodation facilities in the Guest house next door.In the year of 2005, Ayu-cure centre has been started For Panchakarma treatments with food and accommodation facilities,at No.41 , Pilimathalawa Gardens. 04.k.m. away from the famous Botanical gardens in Peradeniya. Homely atmosphere in countryside with greenish view, comfortable rooms, hot and cold water, traditional Ayurveda foods prepared in traditional methods, special attention of a residential Doctor, personal care from the time you picked up from the Airport, Free tours according to your treatment packages.
Suwa Rakshana Weda Medura have been giving services for the last 10 years at No, 7, Mahamaya Mawatha, Kandy. Due to the GOOD and SATISFIED services rendered by us, and due to the COMMENTS sent by our guests, ” SUWA RAKSHANA WEDA-MEDURA” has been RECOMMENDED by the travelers guide books named ” LONELY PLANET, ROUGH GUIDE, SRI LANKA ( INSIGHT GUIDES), STEFAN LOOSE.
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Best Naturopathy Therapies at Suwa Rakshana Weda Medura like as Mud Therapy, Kerala Treatments, Reflex Therapy, Hydro Therapy, Massage Therapy, Music Therapy, Diet Therapy, Acupuncture, Acupuncture Therapy, Magneto Therapy, Electro Therapy, Heliotherapy, Yoga therapy, Ayurveda Therapy in Naturopathy Treatments Centres in Kandy, Sri Lanka.
Click here to visit of Suwa Rakshana Weda Medura Located in Suwa Rakshana Weda Madura, No.41, PILIMATHALAWA GARDENS, PILIMATHALAWA, KANDY, Sri Lanka, official website.
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