Maharshi Atreya Health Centre in vadodara
Maharshi Atreya Health Centre is unique Ayurveda Centre which offers Herbal treatment with pure Ayurvedic Herbs.
Maharshi Atreya Health Centre is an Ayurvedic centre where Ayurveda treatment is done according to the principles of Ayurveda (TRIDOSHA concept, PRAKRUTI PARIKSHAN). Treatment includes Ayurveda medicine, Panchakarma, Yoga & meditation, Ayurvedic diet.
Ayurveda, the most profound system of medicine, is the heritage of India and is uninterrupted practice since prehistoric age. It is amazing and rewarding to find that most ancient system of medicine fulfills all the essential requirements to solve the health crisis of modern times.
Ayurvedic treatment brings complete fulfillment to the aspiration of every patient. It is not merely science of the medicine but science of prevention, health, longevity and living life in perfection.
Maharshi Atreya Health Centre is brain child of Dr. Dinesh C. Pandya having thirty years of experience in the field of Ayurveda. He is also having a high qualifications in modern science i.e. Ph.D (Pharmacy – Pharmacology) from M. S. University of Baroda. He is a bridge between modern science and Ayurveda. He has visited and delivered more than fifty lectures in U. S. and South East Asian countries and explained the role of Ayurveda in relation with health.
A Unique feature of Maharshi Atreya Health Centre is use of Ayurvedic treatment for the purpose of life extension and rejuvenation. The centre will offer risk factor analysis based on western criteria such as lipid profile, blood pressure and cardiovascular status. It will then correlate with Ayurvedic assessment based on individual constitution and prescribed individual diet, herbs for disease prevention, health maintenance and life extension.
Official WebSite For Maharshi Atreya Health Centre is Located Vadodara – Gujarat, Click here to
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